Join me at the open house of the Seed Lodge and the Natural World Market from 2 – 10pm on September 7th in Rocklyn. I’ll be offering a workshop of the Tree Spirit Medicine of Sugar Maple around the beautiful, old sugar maple at the entrance to the retreat.

Faith: The Tree Spirit Medicine of Sugar Maple
Faith is complete heart-trust in existence itself. It is the innate knowing that there is divinity in everything – in the trees, the animals, the oceans, the mountains, the weather, the sky, the people; everything – as well as a deep sense of trust in the essence of who you are, and that who you are is born of Divine Consciousness.
In this workshop, you will receive Sugar Maple’s Tree Spirit Medicine of faith directly via transmission through Monika. You will be lying down for 20 minutes, so bring something to lie on as well as something to record your experience with.