Tree Breathing is the practice of sharing breath with trees to develop a deep intimacy with their spirit.
To practice tree breathing, face, hug or sit with your back to a Tree.
Bring your attention to your breath & breathe deeply, slowly & naturally.
Release any thoughts that may arise. (Thinking is a mild form of disassociation & causes disconnection). If thoughts should arise, do not follow them & bring your attention back to your breath.
Now, expand your attention to include Tree.
With each inhalation, envision Tree’s breath coming into your lungs & expanding throughout your entire being.
When you exhale, envision Tree readily receiving your breath & taking it in deeply throughout its being.
Notice the growing sense of intimacy between you & Tree as you continue sharing breath. Feel the timelessness of this connection. Eventually, a profound experience of oneness will arise within you.

Keep your spiritual ears open for any messages or guidance from Tree. There may be nothing that forms as thought, but rather a felt sense of knowing. If messages or teachings do come to you, avoid engaging your mind in the attempt to remember them. Rest assured that your heart is taking good notes that you can access later.
Continue enjoying your connection with Tree for however long you want. When finished, record anything that came to you.