Tree Spirit Medicine Workshop with Willow – “Clarity” (February 15)

The Tree Spirit Medicine of Willow is “Clarity – Knowing Your Path and Purpose.” Each of us has an inherent purpose and path that we are meant to live. To not do so is the cause of much confusion and suffering. The yearning to live our vision and truth may be postponed, avoided or stifled, …

Copal Tree Spirit Medicine Workshop (October 27, 2024, Tepoztlan, Mexico)

Copal is a sacred tree whose resin has been used in ceremony and healing in Mexico for thousands of years. In this workshop, participants will receive the Tree Spirit Medicine of the Copal tree through transmission through Monika so that they may directly experience its healing, wisdom, teachings, and guidance. The workshop will begin with …

Reset! A Transmission of the Spirit Medicine of Joe-Pye Weed (March 23, 2024)

Do you feel scattered, burned out, stalled or stuck? Has the trajectory you’ve been on not given you what you hoped? Are you feeling that something must change in your life, your work, your inner self, but not sure what or what to do? Is doing what you’ve always done not doing it for you? …

Tree Teachings: Acceptance – Black Walnut

“What you want to change you must first accept.” —Carl Jung Acceptance releases you from constriction and hopelessness, creating an inner liberation and spaciousness allowing for ‘flow’. Acceptance quiets the mind and bolsters courage and so that what ‘is’ can be gazed at with fresh eyes. With this new perspective something mysterious opens within you …

Free Plant Spirit Medicine Distance Healing with Tobacco, Poison Ivy, & Copal (March 26th, 2023)

Date: Sunday, March 26th at 10am and 6pm EDT. Tobacco, Poison Ivy, and Copal have offered their plant spirit medicine of “Deep Healing” to our people at this time. The plant spirit medicine they offer is for imbalances at any level of our being—body, mind, emotion, and spirit. I will be sending their spirit medicine …